Our AODA Customer Service Policy
Campaign Research is committed to meeting it obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the “Act”) and the related Accessibility Standard for Customer Service (the “Customer Service Standard”). Campaign Research’s mission is to provide accessible services to people with disabilities in Ontario and ensuring that people with disabilities have the same opportunity to access our goods and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.
As part of Campaign Research's commitment to Accessibility, we will ensure the that our policies, procedures and practices are consistent with the following principles:
Persons with disabilities will be provided equal opportunity to obtain, use and benefit from Campaign Research’s goods and services;
Campaign Research’s goods and services shall be provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities;
The goods and services provided to persons with disabilities shall be integrated with the provision to others unless an alternative measure is necessary to allow a person with a disability to benefit from Campaign Research’s goods and services. The alternative measure may be temporary or permanent;
Communications with a person with a disability are conducted in a manner that takes the person’s disability into account.
Without limiting Campaign Research’s commitment to accessibility, Campaign Research’s policies and practices with respect to particular considerations are below:
a) Assistive Devices
f) Notice of Temporary Disruptions
Your privacy is important to us. This privacy policy is intended to give you confidence in the privacy and security of the personal information we obtain from you by visiting our website.
b) Communication
Campaign Research will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
c) Service Animals
Service animals are welcomed on Campaign Research’s premises. In the event a service animal must be excluded by law, Campaign Research will ensure that other measures are made available to enable the individual to access or use our goods or services.
d) Support Persons
Campaign Research will provide notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to services or facilities used or accessed by people with disabilities. Notices regarding temporary disruptions will include information regarding the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration of the disruption, and information on any alternative facilities or services, if available. Notice will be provided by posting the information at a conspicuous place at our facilities, on our web site or by another reasonable method based upon the circumstances.
g) Feedback Process
Campaign Research welcomes feedback on the accessibility of our goods and services. Members of the public can provide feedback to Campaign Research by:
emailing our AODA & Compliance Officer at spresvelos @campaignresearch.ca; or
calling Campaign Research at (613) 482-0622 ext 105.
We Welcome Your Feedback
Support persons are welcomed on Campaign Research’s premises. At no time will any individual with a disability be prevented from having access to their support person while on Campaign Research’s premises. No fee will be charged for support persons.
e) Training
Campaign Research will provide training to employees, volunteers and others who may be acting on our behalf, who deal with the public or any other third parties. Training will also be provided to all people who are involved in the development of Campaign Research’s policies, procedures and practices regarding the provision of goods and services.
Training will be provided on an on-going basis to employees as they are assigned applicable duties. Training will also be provided when there are changes to Campaign Research’s policies, practices or procedures.
Training will include:
An overview of the requirements under the Act and the Customer Service Standard;Campaign Research’s plan related to the Customer Service Standard;
How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
How to help in providing goods or services to people with disabilities; and
What to do if a person with disability is having difficulty in accessing Campaign Research’s goods and services.
Campaign Research will keep records regarding the training provided, including the dates on which training was provided and the individuals who completed the training.
Campaign Research's mission is to provide free and equitable access to high quality customer driven services. Our staff have been trained to provide service that is: courteous, competent, timely, and helps you resolve your issues and concerns. We value your feedback and welcome any comments or concerns you may have to help improve our programs and services.
Please send us your feedback to email address: hr@campaignresearch.ca.
To view Campaign Research's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan please Click Here.